Labournet Training
Labournet Training
Labournet Training
Labournet Training
Labournet Training
Labournet Training
Labournet Training
Labournet Training


Labournet Training at Yargol & Taj Sultanpur

LabourNet is a social enterprise that creates sustainable benefits for workers in the informal sector by offering them a platform to access services. It provides financial inclusion, social protection and welfare services to unorganized workers, builds capacities of workers and markets their services to customers.

LabourNet helping the Parishudh in construction of toilets at Yargol and Tajsultanpur. And it is also giving training for village people on the construction of toilets. Within a two months by the training of Labournet more than 200 toilets built at Yargol village at Yadgir district and more than 50 toilets at Tajsultanpur village, Gulbarga district.

To distribute incentive amount for built toilets a function was organized at Yargol village. Shri Vasudevrao M Deshpande and Bhavana were present for the function. Totally 150 built toilets Parishudh distributed the incentive amount.

To distribute the certificated for the trained people by Labounet a small function was organized at Tajsultanpur village. Parishudh’s Shri Shrinivas Deshmukh and from Labournet Satish were present. For 50 people we distributed the certificate.

For more information of Labournet pls check


For additional details about the project, please contact


Vasudevrao M Deshpande

Program Manager of the initiative





Srinivas Deshmukh



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