Parishudh while doing research on different toilet models, built two Biological toilet samples at Nandikur(K) village near Gulbarga.
The specification of Biological toilet
Size: 4 X 3.5 feet base area, 2.5 feet tank height, 6 feet super structure height for 1 toilet.
Typical Usage per Day: 50 uses/day / toilet
Life span : 10 Years
Technology: There is a Flush provided in these toilets. These are usually constructed in units of 3 or 5 together . There is common Biodigester tank provided for the toilets. The waste are digested in this multi chambered biodigested tank and resulting product is neutral water and trace of Gas . The discharged water is then passed through the chlorination tank where it is disinfected and brought within environment standards and is discharged in trickles. The gas generated is vented out by a vent pipe
For more details
16 Taratalla Road, Kolkata 700088(INDIA) `
Tel: +91-33-24014661, Fax:+91-33-24014886
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